What if you find out that…

vincent mukhuba
1 min readNov 16, 2022
Photo by Harry Grout on Unsplash

At some point in your life your going to find out something’s ,it can be a family secrets or your partner secret the good question is to what degree is it going to affect your well being , some adjust or adapt very quickly. I’ve lost my two younger sister two years in a row this year my father passed away , guess what I’ve out-grown the emotional part of mourning Iam at fuck it mode . If I can’t control it fuck it I’m only concerning myself with things I can change
 .1Personal development

.2 health
.3 success

4.wealth creation

😊😊 minimizing my regrets, laughing with everyone ,making up all my relationship with my family and mending things with close friends, hey you pss! Iam not going anywhere I’m fresh in my twenties but tell you what peace is the only thing that can grantee a good life



vincent mukhuba

Any friend of coffee is a friend of mine. Internet aficionado.Bibliophily . Student. Typical entrepreneur. Creator.